STORMY and her 5 AKC registered pups sired by Robbie and born 07/27/24. We are 32 days old today. We are beginning to be playful and are going to grow to be absolutely gorgeous adults. We are SUPERIOR, TOP, TOP QUALITY CHIHUAHUAS. We are all long coats and are very colorful. We will bring you many years of joy, love, laughter and happiness. We come from the oldest AKC Chihuahua kennel in the U.S. - 61 years this past January. We have brothers and sisters all over the U.S. and some foreign countries. We can be shipped from DFW airport, Dallas, or we will meet you part way if you live in Texas or a neighboring state. We will definitely be your best friend!
Males $2000 each - Females $2500 each.
Call if you are interested - 903-848-8201
Sable and white spotted long coat female.
Black tri-colored long coat female. SOLD
White long coat male.
Toy sized.
Black and white spotted long coat male.
Sable and white long coat male.